gay love spell

This gay love spell can be attempted by anyone on their own.

The process is as follows:

You need to buy, without haggling, three meters of natural black fabric and nine knives with black handles, plus three bull hearts.

Go to an old cemetery at sunset and place a piece of fabric on three graves.

On each fabric, place a bull heart.

Place three knives with each heart.

Each heart should be struck once with the knives that are laid on the fabric with it.

Recite the incantation while delivering the blow.

During the incantation, visualize the image of your beloved in your mind.

“Igna asdi avata datchile spaakhito svaaragi sdxhaa tamsali ktho.”

Wrap the three fabrics together with the knives and hearts, go to the center of the cemetery, and bury them securely so that dogs and rats won’t dig them up.

Open chat with the magician Amanar
Start living better
Good day. Please send photos and names of all participants involved in your inquiry immediately (if it's a love spell, then photos and names of both). Specify what you want to achieve with the magical assistance (for example, a love spell for a beloved person or a curse on an enemy). Only after receiving the photos, names, and purpose of your inquiry, I can state the price, duration, and guarantee of the work. I work only on a full prepayment basis. The average price for assistance is 500 euros. Fortune telling and diagnosis of a curse cost 100 euros. Photo report of the work. Video report is possible. I consult the client throughout the entire process. The client pays once and I work with them until they say they are satisfied with the result. Please contact in writing only. Services are only remote. Sincerely, mage Amanar (Andrey Balaban).